
A Heart-Centred Path to Healing and Wellness 

Sisters, we are being called to gather. We are outgrowing outmoded ways of thinking, moving, and being in the world, and it is time to connect with like-minded souls who can support and empower us on our journey.
I am one such She.

As a heart-centred holistic healer, spiritual counsellor and intuitive empath, I can support you in your recognition and release of thoughts, feelings, beliefs and patterns that stifle your life force and keep you in mental, emotional, spiritual and physical pain.

With consummate compassion and a playful sense of humour rooted in sacred irreverence, I part the veils for you to behold your truest self, the I AM THAT I AM that resides in unity consciousness. "YES" becomes our mantra as you step into sovereignty and honour the callings of your soul. Recognizing that your ascension is linked to that of the entire planet, you are empowered to set the course of your life by trusting in your glorious dreams and following your heart.

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Equine Guided Healing

Let the horses bring you into intimate connection with your true Self, beyond the limiting thought patterns of the psyche, and beyond the fears and anxieties that are draining you of your energy.

Experience the peace and wholeness of connection with the unified field of Divine Intelligence, which is Love. And allow experiential learning with the horses to anchor these shifts into your whole being.

The result is transformation. 

Healing, Opening and Expanding your Heart, your Relationships and your Life’s Potential.


Empathic Coaching and Counselling

Allow me to support you in easing your heart of its burdens.

In my work as an intuitive empath, I am able to feel into the core energetic essence behind your story, circumstances and relationships.

This allows us to bypass the limitations of identification with ‘your story’, and brings us into the heart of the matter, where healing, clarity and transformation can occur.


A gentle healing modality that uses spiritual life force energy to restore balance, equilibrium and optimal health to all levels of your being. Deeply relaxing, it is a hands-on technique that relieves stress, removes energetic blocks, and effects healing and change in both your inner and outer world.

Integrated Energy Therapy

Healing with the pure energy of angels. Focusing on areas of the body where suppressed emotions have blocked your energy, divine angelic energy rays remove blockages and return the body into alignment. Remarkably gentle in its approach, IET is powerful nonetheless, allowing clarity, creativity, purpose and prosperity to flow.



 Ways to Experience Truth and Beauty


Individual Sessions

Equine Guided Healing

Updated January 2023:

Equine guided healing is on pause (nay! neigh)

while the fullest vision of Truth & Beauty is in gestation.

Spiritual Intuitive Counselling

60-minute sessions in a restorative healing space surrounded by majestic trees and natural beauty.



60 minutes


Spiritual Intuitive Counselling + Energy Healing

90 minutes


I offer sliding scale pricing. Please reach out if you would benefit from this.



Connecting with Horses in a Heart-Opening Way

(Neighbourhood Small Grants Workshop)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Conscious connection with horses offers us the chance to quiet our minds, enter the healing space of the heart, and immerse ourselves in the present moment. We feel ourselves connected to the natural world~ horses, plants, trees, and each other. And we are drawn into connection with our deepest Selves, where true peace and freedom reside.

Generously funded by the Neighbourhood Small Grant program, this workshop is FREE to all members of our beautiful island community. But enrolment is limited to just FOUR participants, so register now to reserve your spot!

Witchy Workshops (Women in Touch with Shakti)

Sacred gatherings of sisterhood and ceremony, these equine guided healing workshops support us in our movement through the wheel of the year, encouraging us to align with the Divine Feminine in a light-hearted and playful way.

Divine Equine Equinox and Solstice Sister workshops are offered in sync with seasonal transitions, and Chakra Healing workshops are offered throughout the year.

Truth and Beauty for Film Actors

Inner beauty, my darlings. Never mind the way you look. 

When we quiet our minds in the presence of horses, a palpable shift occurs. They recognize when we have dropped in and shown up, and only then are they truly able to connect with us. The camera, of course, works the same way.

This workshop provides invaluable tools to assist actors of all levels in grounding and connecting with their bodies, recognizing the effect of their energy on a room and in relationship with another, and above all, in opening to allow full emotional access to another being. 

A truly illuminating experience, this workshop not only imparts skills, but brings participants’ deepest truths to the surface for healing. Actors then directly experience the courageous emotional honesty required in their craft, and can identify and release the very feelings and limiting beliefs that have impeded their success.


The horses truly do walk between worlds. Their guidance brought me to a closing of almost ten years of grief. My heart feels lighter and I am leaving here a more whole and better person.

-Cassidy, Ontario