
Whole-Being Healing Between Horse and Human

Equine guided healing is a transformative healing and wellness modality wherein conscious connection with horses brings you back into contact with the wisdom of your soul. Gentle in its approach, it empowers and allows you to set the course of your life by trusting in your dreams and following your heart.

Within the sacred space of the round pen or paddock, you and the horses engage in experiential learning, connecting through active and reflective exercises that are all done on the ground. 

This ain’t no ridin’ class, sister.

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Masters of Perception

Horses are prey animals. Their species’ survival over millions of years has depended on their ability to sense and respond to threats in their environment. 

Not only do they rely on their finely honed physical senses, which enable them to read body language and even perceive shifts in heart rate and muscle tension, but they are highly attuned to the energy around them.

They experience your emotions, intentions, your wounds and your trauma- areas in your body where flow has been blocked- as energy. And while it is not in their nature to judge it, it is in the interest of their survival to respond. 

A curious mare who won’t let you get near her is responding to your energy.  A gregarious gelding who pushes into your space has a message for you about you.

Horses are divine mirrors, and they reflect back to you through their behaviour what you may not even be conscious of within yourself. 

In this way, they invite you to go inward. They draw you into deep connection with your heart, mind, body and soul.

From looking at you I became what I am.



Time spent in the presence of horses slows us down.

When we enter the field with a horse, we are not just talking about an expanse of grass. 

The hearts of humans and animals alike produce a field of electromagnetic energy that envelops every cell in the body and stretches out beyond us in all directions. 

And partnering with horses during equine guided healing can synchronize the fields of horse and human, so that our heart rhythms actually vibrate at the same frequency. 

Because a horse’s heart field is five times larger than ours, and its heart rate is three times slower, when we entrain with the harmonious heart rhythm of a horse, we enter into a profoundly peaceful state of awareness.

The secrets of the Infinite unfold in stillness.

-Lao Tzu

Through this portal of present-moment awareness, this stillness and quieting of mind, equine guided healing can transport us beyond the here-and-now, into expanded intuitive awareness and the deep knowing of Divine Intelligence that is available to us all.

We gain access to insights that are not available to our analytical, thinking minds, and experience healing, clarity and true transformation.


Equine guided healing can help you:

  • Quiet your mind and connect with the wisdom of your heart

  • Experience the peace and perfection of the present moment

  • Love yourself for who you are

  • Learn to hear the voice of your soul, and act on it!

  • Honour your emotions as messengers and channel them in ways that enhance your life

  • Recognize and overcome patterns of thought and behaviour that do not serve you

  • Find your balance, purpose, and passion

  • Experience deep healing and transformation on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level

  • Discover soul gifts and innate strengths, developing life skills of assertiveness, boundary-setting, communication, cooperation and leadership

Heal, Open and Expand Your Heart, Your Relationships, and Your Life’s Potential

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Robin is a fantastic practitioner, and it is obvious that she is living her true path. I have learned so much about myself and my authentic heart throughout my sessions with her and the horses. I have experienced a feeling of softening in my body, and I am literally able to breathe easier driving home. Overall, I feel more confident and I am more at peace within my body and mind.

-Tara B., Manitoba